Revolt (2017)

Revolt (2017) is a science fiction action film set in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a global war between humans and an invading alien race. The story follows a soldier named Bo (Lee Pace), who wakes up in a deserted African landscape, suffering from amnesia and confusion about his surroundings.
As he navigates this hostile environment, Bo encounters a woman named Nadia (Bรฉrรฉnice Marlohe), who is also trying to survive amidst the chaos. Together, they discover that the aliens, known as the “Overlords,” are hunting down the remaining humans and have developed advanced technology to dominate the battlefield.

Revolt (2017) | Rotten Tomatoes

REVOLT (2017) โ€ข Frame Rated

Revolt (Film, 2018) โ€” CinรฉSรฉrie
Throughout their journey, Bo and Nadia must evade alien forces while uncovering the truth behind the war and Bo’s past. They encounter various obstacles, including battles with alien soldiers and treacherous terrain. As they fight for survival, the bond between Bo and Nadia strengthens, highlighting themes of resilience and humanity in the face of overwhelming odds.
The film builds to an intense climax as Bo confronts the aliens and fights to protect both Nadia and the remnants of humanity, culminating in a desperate struggle for freedom and survival against their extraterrestrial oppressors. Ultimately, Revolt explores the fight for survival in a world torn apart by war and the enduring human spirit.