Dear Santa
Dear Santa (2024) – Plot Summary
“Dear Santa” is a Christmas comedy film directed by Bobby Farrelly, featuring a unique twist on holiday wishes and the consequences that come with them. The story centers around an 11-year-old boy named Liam, who, in a moment of hope, writes a Christmas wishlist. However, due to his dyslexia, he mistakenly addresses the letter to “Satan” instead of “Santa” .
Main Plot Points
– The Wish and the Visitor: After mailing his letter, Liam is visited by Satan himself, played by Jack Black. Mistaking Satan for Santa due to his festive attire, Liam is offered three wishes. His first wish is for Emma, a girl he likes at school, to give him a chance .
– The Concert and Consequences: With Satan’s help, Liam secures a date with Emma at a Post Malone concert, complete with VIP tickets. However, as he enjoys his newfound popularity, his friend Gibby realizes that they are dealing with the devil .
– Family Dynamics and Wishes: As Liam navigates his wishes, he learns about the implications of trading his soul. His parents are concerned about his mental health due to his fantastical claims about Satan and seek help from a psychologist. Meanwhile, Satan encourages Liam to use his remaining wishes .
– Friendship and Sacrifice: Feeling guilty about Gibby’s struggles with self-image, Liam uses his second wish to fix Gibby’s overbite and invites him on a double date with Emma at a Christmas carnival. However, their plans are interrupted when Liam’s parents pull him away for intervention .
– The Final Wish: In a moment of desperation after seeing his parents argue, Liam uses his third wish to ensure they stay in love forever. Unbeknownst to him, this wish becomes irrelevant as his parents reconcile on their own .
Climactic Revelations
As the film progresses, it is revealed that Satan is actually a low-ranking half-demon undergoing trial for failing to become a full demon. By granting two selfless wishes for Liam, he invalidates the contract for Liam’s soul. In the climax, Satan visits Liam one last time to explain that his final wish was unnecessary since his parents had reconciled without any supernatural intervention .
On Christmas morning, Liam is surprised to find that his deceased brother Spencer has returned home. Just as he begins to celebrate this miraculous event, he receives a call from Gibby informing him that Emma might be interested in him again—leading to comedic panic as Liam must figure out how to explain Spencer’s return [1][2]. The film closes with themes of family reunion and the true spirit of Christmas amidst humorous chaos.