Venom 2025
follows the story of Eddie Brock, an investigative journalist who stumbles upon a dark scientific experiment led by the powerful Life Foundation. The foundation, under the leadership of Carlton Drake, has discovered alien creatures called symbiotes, which need to bond with a human host to survive on Earth. Drake’s unethical experiments lead Eddie to investigate him, but during his investigation, Eddie becomes accidentally exposed to one of these symbiotes, named Venom.
The symbiote bonds with Eddie, giving him superhuman abilities and a deep connection to Venom, who speaks to Eddie directly and takes control of his body at times. At first, Eddie struggles with this relationship, as Venom has his own violent urges and desires. However, over time, they develop a bond, working together to take down Carlton Drake and the Life Foundation, which plans to use the symbiotes for world domination.
As Eddie and Venom battle Drakeβs forces, they encounter Riot, another, more powerful symbiote that has bonded with Drake. A climactic fight ensues, and Eddie ultimately realizes that he and Venom need each other to survive and defeat their mutual enemies. The film explores themes of duality, identity, and the unlikely friendship that grows between Eddie and Venom, setting up their continuing adventures in the sequels.
In the sequels, the story continues with Eddie and Venom dealing with more symbiotes and new villains, such as Carnage, a deadly symbiote that bonds with a dangerous criminal, escalating the challenges Eddie and Venom must face together.