Woman of the Hour

Woman of the Hour is a psychological thriller based on the true story of Rodney Alcala, a serial killer who managed to appear on a popular dating game show, The Dating Game, in the 1970s despite his violent criminal background. Directed by Anna Kendrick, who also stars in the film, Woman of the Hour delves into the twisted and chilling events surrounding Alcala’s appearance on the show.

In the movie, Kendrick plays Cheryl Bradshaw, a young woman who, in a strange twist of fate, chooses Alcala as her date on the show. Alcala, charming and seemingly confident on camera, successfully deceives both the show’s producers and his co-contestants with his charisma, concealing his dark, predatory nature. The film follows Cheryl as she becomes increasingly uneasy around Alcala, whose behavior grows more disturbing as they interact after the show. As Cheryl’s suspicions rise, she finds herself caught in a dangerous situation, all while the horrific extent of Alcala’s crimes begins to come to light.


Is 'Woman of the Hour' a true story? We fact checked the movie

Woman of the Hour explores themes of manipulation, misogyny, and the unsettling ability of a serial predator to hide in plain sight. It also raises questions about the nature of fame, media complicity, and the consequences of ignoring red flags in favor of entertainment. With a tense atmosphere and a compelling performance by Kendrick, the movie is both a suspenseful narrative and a reflection on the dangers of trust placed in charismatic strangers.

Woman of the Hour' Review: Anna Kendrick Stars in and Directs Netflix Drama - The New York Times